Inspired by the iconic animated series The Simpsons, comes the officially licensed toys and collectibles by JAKKS Pacific. Immerse yourself in Springfield with the 5 action figures. Each figure is approximately 5" tall and features 14+ points of articulation to pose and play. Every figure includes an accessory providing endless opportunities to recreate all your favourite moments from the show. Perfect for fans and collectors, this 5 figure wave has remarkable detail and fun, engaging features.
- OFFICIALLY LICENSED: Each figure stands approximately 5 tall and features a highly detailed design, capturing their animated look and feel.
- POSEABLE: All figures have 14+ points of articulation for dynamic poses and play.
- FUN ACCESSORIES: Each figure includes a fun accessory for imaginative play and fun.
- COLLECT THEM ALL: Collect the full range of figures and accessories inspired by The Simpsons with this 5 Figure series by JAKKS Pacific. Perfect for any Simpsons fan or collector.
- For Ages 4+.